

Work with me

What is your biggest challenge?

What about your personal style does not work? What is difficult about colors? What do you struggle with the most? What do you want us to start with?
Below you can find four main areas of my expertize, by clicking on the "details" button you will find out how we will solve your problems.
  • Line
    • - You dislike current trends and can't find any styles that work for you in stores these days
    • - You have trouble finding comfortable pants or jacket
    • - You think you are too fat / too tall / too short...
    • - You can't figure out the right glasses for your face
    • - You do not know how to accentuate the assetes of your figure
    • - Actually, you doubt whether you have any assests at all...
  • Color
    • - You are tired of trials and errors to figure out your color type
    • - You can't find a lipstick that works for you
    • - You are frustrated with your hair color failures 
    • - Clothes in your closet do not go with each other (well, neither they do with you)
    • - You think you look sad, tired and old
    • - You strive for a "million dollars" look for an important occassion
  • Personal Style
    • - You would like to change something but do not know where to start
    • - You have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear
    • - You can't tell what looks good on you anymore
    • - You want to spend less money and time on shopping and getting dressed
    • - You want to look like YOU - authentic and consistent
    • - You know your Season and Archetype but struggle to make them work together
  • your tools
    • - Makeup products for your color type (lipsticks, lip glosses, blushers, eyeshadows)
    • - T-shirts in colors from your palette
    • - Additional courses and color sessions to simplify and accelerate adoption of your Season
    • - E-books guiding you on your personal style exploration journey
    • - Trainings and workshops to help you discover and define your unique style


    I help women discover their natural beauty. I look at each of my clients individually and holistically.
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