During a 3 hour meeting in my studio, we will discover your color type using a set of precisely calibrated 12 Blueprints Test Drapes.
As one the few color analysts, I have Luxury Drapes and Perfect Mood Board makeup for 12 Seasons. They serve as additional tools to confirm your color type and they make your color experience more complete.
After the meeting, you will receive an information package about your Season and practical tips on how to use this knowledge.
Unlike the Test Drapes, Luxury Drapes are not used to determine a Season (i.e. the color type). The Test Drape sets for each of the 12 Tones include only 5 colors, which are calibrated in a way that emphasizes differences between the Seasons, and thus facilitate selection of the best color palette. The Luxury Sets have 15-20 drapes and we use them when your Season is already known, to demonstrate how to use your color palette in practice and tailor information about it to your individual needs.
I do enjoy my explorations, and while I'm still in process of coming to terms with my colors and training the eye to spot the potentially right ones, the color fan has already proven to be a big help in both shopping and outfit planning. Both things come much easier now than they were before, so I want to use this opportunity to thank you once again for the thorough and helpful analysis
The search has found an answer, and it is thanks to you. Because you brought PCA with you at my hands reach I can breathe. I don't feel heavy, but strong. I don't feel awkward or inappropriate. I laugh freely. The expression in my face has changed because of that. I'm not in someone else's shoes, but mine, which are a perfect fit. I feel like myself inside and out, with a much wider horizon than I had ever longed for. So, thank you for making Colour Analysis a possibility for me
I'm amazed how much easier it is to look for the correct makeup and clothes already, even with little practice.
Perfect Mood Board will offer the same makeup products for 12 Seasons previously offered by 12 Blueprints, however under new
This post is available in English at Chrysalis Colour.
English version of this post can be found at Chrysalis Colour.
Color It is fascinating how the right blouse color can make a woman look at least 5 years younger. If you are
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